Collective: P_E_A_K_A_Y_ Standpoint Gallery, London, UK
The culmination of a three-month studio residency at Standpoint Gallery.
With Woodchip On The Walls
In such transient and distorted times, the idea of home can offer a semblance
of solace in whatever form it manifests. Never has domesticity seemed so appealing;
especially when backlit by the glow of a sunrise from an uncertain future.
Conventional objects become loaded with the weight of our attributed wholesomeness.
With such abstracted and playful snippets of the everyday P_E_A_K_A_Y subtly explore
one of the most common tensions of modern life in the UK. Ownership and permanence
of place are readily dissected within the various etchings, paintings and sculptures
created within their three-month residency at Standpoint gallery. Hurriedly opened
and extracted like a stolen sauce sachet.
Rhythms of nostalgia are played out
through depictions of imagined spaces and household items.
Familiarity such as the click of a light switch or boiling of a kettle, far from
breeding contempt; the regularity in fact offers tiny assurances of security against
our frequently chaotic daily lives.
Text and curation by Ashley John.