The Drying Cycle
Collective: P_E_A_K_A_Y_ Fabcafé Fuji, Fujiyoshida, Japan 05/2023
The Drying Cycle was a 24h installation in the cramped back room of FabCafé
Fujiyoshida. Most of the floor space is taken up by the clothes horse.
On a good day, the laundry
might dry indoors during this time.
On bad days, a musty smell creeps deep into the walls. On all days, you live
around it, circling it all day like untouchable prey.
Subtitles, both embroidered onto a variety of household textiles and printed onto
35mm photography, surround the clothes horse and rug.
Alongside the exhibition we ran a drawing and risograph printing workshop for locals
of Fujiyoshida. During drawing from memory exercises, objects were recreated from
verbal descriptions and then reproduced as a small publication.