Make yourself at home, why don't you
Collective: P_E_A_K_A_Y_ PARADISE AIR, Matsudo, Japan 06/2023
Make yourself at home, why don't you?
But bear in mind that, while reversible
modifications are allowed to an extent, the
property must be returned in its original state. Trinkets and objects can force
comfort into a home that is inherently hostile. It is a push and pull, a struggle
with the space, attempting control while constantly being at its mercy.
A reflection on temporary living through objects and empty decoration, or an
instruction on how to claim authority over a space when the space
exercises control over you.
Room no. 401 of the former love hotel-now-artist hotel lies at the center of a
series of
research works. A story is narrated primarily through objects installed in the room
which has served as the artists’ home for the past three weeks.